smitten kitchen

smitten kitchen | baked alaska + smitten kitchen turns 10!

baked alaska Over the summer, my husband and I took turns taking our son to out for dinner one a week night to give him a break from (I mean, not to point fingers or anything) the occasionally yelling/food-flinging dinnertime antics of The Interloper, a.k.a. his younger sister. On one of my evenings, he pointed to the top of one of the many mirror-covered walls at the restaurant with the menu scrawled over it and said "What's a Baked Alaska?" only the finest in homemade ice creama giant sundaemelted chocolate and butterone-bowl brownies "Well, son," I began because let's not even pretend I don't live for this kind of stuff, "It's a dessert in which ice cream is wrapped in cake and then covered in a marshmallow-y frosting that's toasted and then they light it on fire..." "CAN WE GET ONE OF THOSE?" Look, I don't know what stuff you're made of, but I consider telling a 6 year-old that ice cream wrapped in cake, frosting and fire exists but not for them is cruel and unusual punishment. And so we ordered it and I tried to warn him that they might not do the fire thing and maybe it won't be as cool as I made it sound and then this happened. <a href="Over the summer, my husband and I took turns taking our son to out for dinner one a week night to give him a break from (I mean, not to point fingers or anything) the occasionally yelling/food-flinging dinnertime antics of The Interloper, a.k.a. his younger sister. On one of my evenings, he pointed to the top of one of the many mirror-covered walls at the restaurant with the menu scrawled over it and said "What's a Baked Alaska?" only the finest in homemade ice creama giant sundaemelted chocolate and butterone-bowl brownies "Well, son," I began because let's not even pretend I don't live for this kind of stuff, "It's a dessert in which ice cream is wrapped in cake and then covered in a marshmallow-y frosting that's toasted and then they light it on fire..." "CAN WE GET ONE OF THOSE?" Look, I don't know what stuff you're made of, but I consider telling a 6 year-old that ice cream wrapped in cake, frosting and fire exists but not for them is cruel and unusual punishment. And so we ordered it and I tried to warn him that they might not do the fire thing and maybe it won't be as cool as I made it sound and then this happened. READ THE REST 



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